Classic Napoleon Cake With Custard

Homemade puff Napoleon with custard – the most delicious cake for me! I have been baking it for many years, and during this time, I have worked out a recipe – simple and understandable, according to which the cake always turns out great. This is a classic version of Napoleon – with thin flaky cakes well-soaked in moderately sweet custard. The cake is the most delicate, moist, juicy – delicious! I like Napoleon most of all on the second day, when it is well infused and soaked, so I bake it large to prolong the pleasure.
To prepare the classic “Napoleon,” you need the following ingredients:
⦁ 450 g flour,
⦁ 250 g margarine,
⦁ 1 egg,
⦁ 110 ml cold water,
⦁ 1 tbsp. l. vinegar,
⦁ pinch of salt.
⦁ 800 ml milk,
⦁ 3 eggs,
⦁ 80 g flour,
⦁ 150 g butter,
⦁ 160 g sugar, a
⦁ pinch of vanillin,
⦁ pinch of salt,
⦁ 1 tbsp. cognac.
How to make the classic Napoleon cake:
⦁ Let’s start by making puff pastry for the cakes.
Mix the flour with salt in a deep container and rub the frozen margarine there.
⦁ Grind the margarine with flour with your hands into small crumbs.
⦁ Make a deepening in the flour crumbs, drive in an egg, pour in cold water and vinegar.
⦁ Quickly knead the dough (so that the margarine does not start to melt from the warmth of the hands and the dough does not lose its layered structure). Divide the dough into ten equal parts, cover with foil, and put in the refrigerator for an hour.
⦁ At this time, you can boil the cream.
Add half the sugar (80 g) to the milk. We put on medium heat and bring to a boil.
⦁ While the milk is heating, combine the eggs with flour and the remaining sugar (80g), add vanillin and salt.
⦁ Mix with a mixer.
⦁ Without stopping to stir, pour half of the boiling milk into the egg mixture in a thin stream.
⦁ Then combine the mixture with the remaining milk, return to the fire and, with constant stirring, boil the cream until it thickens (without bringing to a boil). Remove from heat, add oil and cognac to the cream, stir until smooth. If there are lumps in the cream, you can stir it with a mixer, and the lumps will disperse.
⦁ Cover the finished cream with cling film in contact and let it cool completely. Then we put it in the refrigerator for better cooling.
⦁ Now you can bake the cake layers.
⦁ Roll each lump of dough thinly on a sheet of parchment or a silicone mat, put a plate or lid of the required diameter on top (I have it 24 cm), and cut it along the contour with a knife. We do not remove the scraps.
⦁ We bake the cakes in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C, for 3-7 minutes until golden brown. When baking, the cakes are slightly reduced in size.
⦁ When all the cakes are ready and cool, you can collect the cake. It is most convenient to collect in a sliding ring, so the cake turns out to be even, and the cream does not flow out in the process. We lay the cakes on top of each other, smearing with cream. Sprinkle the top of the cake with chopped scraps.
The finished cake must be infused in the refrigerator for at least a night, and preferably a day.
Enjoy your tea!
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